Build an Event App and Unleash the Power of Technology

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The Future of Event Planning: Building an Event App

Life is always full of events that can be pleasing and joyful, and some can also be unfortunate. Life itself is a series of events that are probably never-ending. But what does technology, in general, or applications, more specifically, have to do with events? The secret and a huge part of events flourishing and becoming never-ending are due to application. Just like applications cover and simplify every nook and cranny of our lives, they also have a major impact on events. In this article, we will discuss this major impact and the thriving category of event apps. We will also demonstrate simple steps to help you build an event app and join the never-ending cycle of success.

What is an Event App and Why Do People Use It?

People around the world celebrate all kinds of different events. Some are standard and make an appearance in all people’s lives. Some can be associated with a certain religion, culture, region, county, and so on. The thing is, we enjoy celebrating them all. Organizing an event has always been a tough one to go through. What is even more difficult is attending one. It could be a burden to try and attend an event, especially if it is trending or interesting. The process of standing in queues for hours waiting to get tickets and more hours to redeem these tickets and attend was a serious problem 10 to 15 years ago. Luckily, event apps were able to digitize all these processes that take minutes to seconds now.

In addition, with the rise of the internet and how it’s becoming accessible for everyone, people started thinking about sharing all kinds of events across the world and possibly making new events and celebrating them across oceans together. Hence, the term virtual or digital events appeared.

Now, after all of this, if we need to define an event app, we would do as follows: An event app is the ultimate tool that users can rely on significantly to facilitate all event-related activities, virtual or not. From facilitating booking, managing, organizing, and many more activities, an event app makes sure to cover them all.

Benefits of Building an Event App

An event doesn’t only include and is not limited to attendees. There are far more involved parties in the process of organizing and attending events than you could even imagine. However, the main three parties that we can talk about are attendees, organizers, and event sponsors. These three parties are the core elements of any event, and thus, to build an event, you should focus especially on them. But how could an event app benefit the three parties? Let us find out!


Personalized Experience

By using an event app, participants may create personalized calendars, choose which sessions they want to attend, and get suggestions based on their personal preferences. This improves their experience by directing their attention to topics that are most likely to pique their interest.

Real-Time Updates and Notifications

By being kept up-to-date on any last-minute adjustments, essential announcements, or reminders about future sessions or events, attendees can benefit from a more enjoyable event experience with less confusion and frustration.

Networking Opportunities

Event apps make networking easier by letting users connect with speakers, exhibitors, and peers before, during, and following the event with features like in-app messaging or guest lists. Meaningful connections are fostered, and their professional network is expanded.

Interactive Features

Engagement from app users is strongly encouraged throughout sessions through live polls, question-and-answer sessions, and interactive maps, which enhance the event experience and provide valuable information.

Post-Event Access to Resources

Through the app, attendees have access to post-event resources, so they may keep learning and benefiting from the content of the event long after it has ended. These resources might include slides from the event, recording sessions, or other materials.

Event Organizers:

Enhanced Attendee Engagement and Satisfaction

Event apps boost satisfaction among participants by making the experience more participatory and smooth. This, in turn, increases the chances of positive evaluations and word-of-mouth promotion for the event organizers, where recurring attendance would be easy.

Streamlined Event Management

Registration, check-in, session monitoring, and feedback gathering are just a few of the many event management activities that can be simplified with an app. Overall operating efficiency is improved, administrative strain is reduced, and waits are minimized.

Customizable and Scalable Solution

Since they are adaptable and flexible, event apps may be made to fit any kind of gathering. This offers organizers a flexible platform to meet their unique requirements; they can scale from intimate gatherings to massive conferences.


Increased Brand Visibility

Sponsors can increase their exposure to attendees by making use of branding options within the app. These include banners, sponsored sessions, logos, and sections that highlight sponsors’ products and services.

Targeted Audience Engagement

Targeted Audience Engagement  

Sponsors can boost their chances of lead generation and conversion by interacting directly and effectively with their intended audience through the app through targeted promotions, sponsored content, and personalized communications.

Measurable ROI

Within an event app, sponsors can monitor how their sponsored material or advertising is performing, giving them a clear picture of how effective their engagement methods are and how much of a return on investment they can expect.

Types of Events App You Could Build

Concerts Discovery and Booking Apps

The first type of event app and my absolute favorite concert discovery and booking app. These apps completely changed the way that people discovered and attended concerts. Remember the lines and queues that we mentioned earlier? Yes, they were all concert-related. A concert discovery and booking app can help users seamlessly find interesting concerts that are going on nearby or even anywhere in the world. They can then find and compare prices, book a ticket, and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime.

Virtual Events Apps

Virtual event apps started to emerge during the pandemic and became a must-have for individuals as well as businesses. These apps help users enjoy the capabilities of remote technology and attend events and workshops anywhere and anytime. Attending meetings and business gatherings is also better than ever with the many features of virtual event apps that make them more interactive and engaging.

Networking and Meetup Apps

Networking and Meetup Apps

Networking and meetup apps are another type of event app that is on the way to endless flourishing. In addition to encouraging socializing with others, they also help individuals gain new skills and go on a great self-exploration journey. Networking and Meetup apps help users in all communities find out about local events, workshops, and meetups so that they can socialize and gain new connections with different people.

Enterprise Events Apps

The last and most important type of event app that you can consider while building one is an enterprise events app. Keeping up with all your business or organization’s events can be tiring, but attending can be pretty beneficial. It is a tough equation to accomplish. However, enterprise event apps can easily do that. These apps are tailored to keep you informed of any internal or external business events. This includes seamlessly getting all the details and real-time reminders.

How to Build an Event App: Every Step to Take for Building an Efficient and Effective Event App

The process of building an event app can take two routes. One is the standard way, and the second is the advanced way. We are going to display both ways, and you can be the judge.

The Standard Way

The standard way involves the basic way of building apps with coding. As much as it can be effective, it is also effort-, time-, and money-consuming. The process to build an event app using coding goes as follows:

1.) Understanding the Market Needs

Understanding the Market Needs

Before taking any steps with the development, you have to first do some research. This research will involve your target audience, and you will ask some questions. The first would be, who are these audiences, and the second would be, what do they need? By answering these questions, you will be able to find a suitable route that will yield remarkable outcomes

2.) Choose Your Strongest Stack

The second step in the standard way to build an event app is to choose a tech stack. A tech stack is a set of technologies, tools, fireworks, and all necessary elements a developer would need to build and run an application. We can briefly say that it is the handyman case that a developer would use to build an app section by section. They include everything from back-end and front-end tools, programming languages, APIs, and many more.

3.) Design and Develop

After choosing the tech stack that better matches your app’s requirements, a developer can start the process of developing and designing the whole app. This is done by designing the layout, navigation menus, and elements and incorporating all the features that he wishes to include within the event app.

The Not-So-Standard Way

Now that you have a glimpse of the standard coding way, we can go through the not-so-standard advanced way of building an event app. Well, some steps can stay, like research and understanding the market; however, all the other steps can be easily combined into one simple step, which is no-code app development. The capabilities of no-code development are endless and improve the productivity of developers by minimizing the time and effort that needs to be exerted. So, for instance, to build an event app using the nandbox app builder, all you have to have is an idea, and… Well, that is it; all you have to have is an idea.

The drag-and-drop app builder provides you with all the resources and tools that you would need. With various templates, a rich library of features that includes a booking system, venet list, map locator and tracking, and a nice pricing scheme, you can build an event app in no time and join the list of great lifetime successes.

For $49, you can build the event app of your dreams now, in a blink of an eye. Try the nandbox app builder now and enjoy the endless capabilities and possibilities.